Category Archives: Club News

New freestyle sessions now available!

Calling all skaters!

Pasadena Ice Skating Center will be offering an additional Freestyle session on Thursdays at 9:00AM through the month of March.

It would be great to see you there!

Congratulations Elyce!

Congratulations to Elyce Lin-Gracey for placing 3rd at the 2023 U.S. Championships in San Jose, CA!

Elyce Lin-Gracey, pictured 3rd from left.

Congratulations Athena!

Congratulations to Athena Huang for receiving a Certificate Achievement for Most Outstanding a the High Performance National Development Camp! Athena was also selected to participate in an invitation-only workshop at the 2023 ISU Four Continents Figure Skating Championships!

PFSC Annual Winter Party Silent Auction 2022

The Pasadena Figure Skating Club Junior Board would like to express our appreciation for the generous donations from our community friends and businesses for the 2022 PFSC Winter Fundraiser Party. The Junior Board would also like to thank Junior Board advisor, Dr. Julie Yang, Donation Chair, Ms. Laura Davidson, and the many members of the PFSC board for their tremendous support and assistance to make this event successful and memorable for all.

Happy Holidays!

Junior Board President, Elizabeth Hong

PFSC at Pacific Coast Sectionals 2022-2023!

Congratulations to our three PFSC members who qualified for and competed at the Pacific Coast Sectional Singles Final, 11/08/22-11/13/22 in San Francisco!

Elyce Lin-Gracey, Junior Women 3rd place, qualified for the 2023 U.S. Championships.
Athena Huang, Novice Women
Kelsey Lee, Juvenile Girls

PFSC Annual Winter Party Fundraiser 2022

Come join us for our Annual Winter Party Fundraiser on Sunday December 4th!

A Successful Pasadena Open 2022 – Thanks To You!

The PFSC Board of Directors gives its heartfelt thanks to all of the Club Members, Parents, Coaches, Family, and Friends who volunteered and/or donated at this years Pasadena Open! Not to mention all of the Skaters who trained with vigor to put on such wonderful performances. Also all of the Judges, Accountants, Announcers, Music and other Officials who donated their time and skill to ensure a smooth, well executed event. Last but far from least all of the sponsors who donated so much wonderful food to keep our officials, coaches, and volunteers going.

One of the longest events in our history at 4 full days, each individual presence made an impact.

Thank you!!!

Congratulations to Elyce Lin-Gracey!

Congratulations to Elyce Lin-Gracey for representing PFSC at the JGP Baltic Cup in Gdansk, Poland!

Registration open for the 43rd Annual Pasadena Open Championships

UPDATE1: Due to high entries, registration for the 43rd Annual Pasadena Open Championships is now CLOSED.
UPDATE2: Volunteers are now being accepted through Signup Genius.
UPDATE3: A preliminary schedule has been published on the competition sub-page.
UPDATE4: A final schedule has been published on the competition sub-page.
UPDATE5: A link to live results has been published on the competition sub-page.

All event information may be found in our Pasadena Open Champonships page.

PFSC Club Ice sessions on holiday

Club ice is currently on break for the summer holiday.

Club ice will return for the 2022-2023 season on September 10th and 24th.

Please follow this link for more details: